Z braku Smasha czy innego rodzaju rozwiązań a-la-pamiętnikowych kilka pamiątek z Halloween u Kat wylądowało w art journalu. Wpis zrobiony przy pomocy: zaproszenia od Kat, ostemplowanej przez nią prezentowej torebki papierowej, taga, który zrobiłam podczas wspólnego scrapowania, tematycznej etykietki na wino i wykałaczek, które znalazły się w Halloweenowych muffinach. Czyli, słowem, odrobina Halloweenowgo chaosu. :)
Due to the lack of a Smash book or some other diary-like solution, some of the memorabilia from the Halloween evening at Kat's made their way into my art journal. I made this entry with the invitation I got from Kat, a gift paper bag which she stamped lovely Halloween images on, the tag I made during our 'free scrapping together' time, a Halloween-themed wine label and some decorative toothpicks that landed in Halloween muffins. To put it in a nutshell - a little bit of Halloween chaos. :)
Due to the lack of a Smash book or some other diary-like solution, some of the memorabilia from the Halloween evening at Kat's made their way into my art journal. I made this entry with the invitation I got from Kat, a gift paper bag which she stamped lovely Halloween images on, the tag I made during our 'free scrapping together' time, a Halloween-themed wine label and some decorative toothpicks that landed in Halloween muffins. To put it in a nutshell - a little bit of Halloween chaos. :)
Ładne będzie budziło dużo wspaniałych wspomnień:)