Dziś jest chyba dobry dzień żeby pokazać mój nowy art journal - lądują w nim kolaże tworzone przez bezlitosne cięcie, przeinaczanie, przejmowanie obrazów z tzw 'kobiecych' i 'męskich' magazynów i nadawanie im nowych znaczeń. To projekt, który sprawia mi ostatnio bardzo dużo radości.
Today may be a good day to show you my new art journal - it will be a collection of collages created by cutting out, distorting and reclaiming images from so-called 'women's' and 'men's magazines and giving the images new meanings. It's a project that has been giving me quite a bit of satisfaction lately.
Today may be a good day to show you my new art journal - it will be a collection of collages created by cutting out, distorting and reclaiming images from so-called 'women's' and 'men's magazines and giving the images new meanings. It's a project that has been giving me quite a bit of satisfaction lately.
The cover says 'women can be the revolution'.
Pierwszy wpis - z obrazami różnych wcieleń kobiecości - ma mówić 'we can do it': możemy to robić tak, jak tylko nam się podoba. Nie ma jednego, prawidłowego przepisu na kobiecość.
The first entry - with images of various expressions of femininity - is supposed to say 'we can do it any way we want to.' There is no single recipe for being a woman.